The Association of Play Industries is launching its new election manifesto calling on the next government to provide urgent and sustained funding for public playgrounds to reverse their alarming decline in recent years.

API Chair Mark Hardy, says: “The general election on 12 December represents a chance to demand far-reaching changes in policies affecting children and a long overdue opportunity to place children at the heart of politics. Childhood inactivity is one of the chief causes of spiralling childhood obesity and poor mental health among children.”

The API are asking the next government to fund and empower local authorities to:

  • Reinstate the hundreds of playgrounds that have been closed in recent years
  • Cease plans for any planned closures
  • Undertake local audits of playgrounds in the community
  • Secure the long-term sustainability of public playgrounds by providing ringfenced funds solely for this purpose for the duration of the next parliament and beyond

“This new manifesto intends to restore outdoor play as children’s default leisure activity before it is too late,” says Mark. “The overwhelming majority of children live in urban areas where community playgrounds are their only opportunity for free, outdoor play.”

Please share this manifesto on your social media channels using #Election2019 and #PlayMustStay #ChildrenAtTheHeart. You can also download and print a copy to give to election candidates in your area.


Download Play Must Stay: A Manifesto for Children’s Health 




Notes to Editors

The Association of Play Industries (API) is the lead trade body within the play sector and campaigns at the highest levels for policy recognition for play. Its members are leading manufacturers, installers, designers and distributors of both outdoor and indoor play equipment and safety surfacing. Founded in 1984, the API represents 85% of the play industry.

The API operates under the umbrella of the Federation of Sports and Play Associations (FSPA), the national trade body responsible for representing Sports and Play Associations in the UK’s sport and play industries.

Media Contacts

Mary Lubrano, Head of Communications.  For further comment on the Play Must Stay campaign contact Mary on e: [email protected] m: 07999 550452