Our latest campaign – Pathway To Play – is a call to action and a call for change in a world where childhood obesity, poor mental health and sleep issues are on the rise. We are launching a rallying cry to the next UK government to invest in public playgrounds.

With a clear vision of fostering children’s wellbeing, we are urging the UK government to prioritise outdoor play by investing significantly in the UK’s most popular location for outdoor play – public playgrounds.

Our #PathwayToPlay manifesto champions the vital role of outdoor play in enhancing the health and wellbeing of children nationwide. Our call is for a modest yet impactful investment that will transform communities and children’s lives.

We are calling on the next government to make a commitment to:

  • Conduct a national audit: assess the quantity, quality and location of public playgrounds
  • Ensure long-term sustainability: provide dedicated funding for the installation and upkeep of free-to-use community play spaces
  • Increase physical activity levels in schools: integrate outdoor learning into the National Curriculum and fund school play spaces and equipment

Let’s work together to get children outdoors again – promoting their health, happiness and wellbeing.

Join us on the Pathway To Play.

Campaign Activity

Media Contacts:

For further information or media enquiries please contact Mary Lubrano, Head of Communications on e: [email protected] m: 07999 550452 or Dr Amanda Gummer, API Chair, e: [email protected] m: 07968 327099