Media Contact

If you have a press or media enquiry please contact:
Mary Lubrano, Head of Communications
t: 024 7641 4999 m: 07999550452 e: [email protected] 

Boris must match Scottish play pledge

The Association of Play Industries has today written to the Prime Minister and Ministers Matt Hancock and Robert Jenrick, urging…

End Play Poverty: API writes to Children’s Commissioner

Chair of the Association of Play Industries, Mark Hardy, has written the following letter to the Children’s Commissioner for England…

‘Build Back Better’ means children too: Calls on Government to include Play in the Mental Health Act

The Association of Play Industries has written to the Government as part of a campaign organised by the All-Party Parliamentary…

#PlayMustStay: Invest in public play spaces or children face ‘perpetual lockdown’

In this extraordinary pandemic, alongside the tragedy of lost lives and livelihoods, there has also been a renewed appreciation of…

API joins calls to keep playgrounds open

The Association of Play Industries has joined with other organisations in an open letter calling upon Local Authorities to put…

Open playgrounds will lessen the impact of lockdown on children

The Association of Play Industries (API) is delighted to hear that playgrounds will continue to remain open during the next…

Let the children play: UK play sector unite to keep playgrounds open

The UK’s leading bodies concerned with children’s play have joined together in a concerted effort to ensure that community play…

Chancellor – put play at the heart of policy

Later today, the Government is announcing a ‘Winter Economy Plan’ outlining how it is going to spend our money over…

Warnings fall on deaf ears

The Association of Play Industries (API)  has been highlighting the concerning decline in public play provision for some time. Our…

API releases summary of their position on Government guidance on re-opening playgrounds

On Friday 26 June the Government published its guidance for managing playgrounds and outdoor gyms.  The Association of Play Industries…