Media Contact

If you have a press or media enquiry please contact:
Mary Lubrano, Head of Communications
t: 024 7641 4999 m: 07999550452 e: [email protected] 

New Parks Action Group is ‘welcome’ and ‘urgently needed’ says the Association of Play Industries

The Association of Play Industries (API) has welcomed the announcement of the newly established Parks Action Group, to help safeguard…

Mumsnet take up the #Nowhere2Play campaign

Mumsnet, the website which campaigns on issues affecting parents, is today launching #Nowhere2Play as one of its Guest Campaigns. Chair of…

Hundreds of playgrounds set to close

Research undertaken by the Association of Play Industries has uncovered the extent to which local authorities across the country have…

Play industry calls on Minister to protect our parks

The Association of Play Industries is calling on the Communities Minister to ensure the future of the UK’s parks and…